Tuesday, May 31, 2011


It has been 16 years, 3 months, 13 days and 8 hours and 48 minutes (as of 30th May, 1652 hours). Since I was born, that is. Quite long I’ve seen this place, haven’t I? J

When I was 7, one morning, I had the future of a completely Mumbai based girl, travelling in trains/buses, et al. The next morning, I woke up in a train on my way here. Hyderabad.
When I was 11, one morning, I had the future of a girl giving her class 7 exams, and giving them quite well. The next morning, I was in a hospital bed, with the doctor saying, “One more day late, and. . .”

When I went to my aunt’s place over the summer, for an intended 14 day schedule, on the 8th day, I looked forward to 6 more days with her. The next morning, I was looking for flight tickets back home. My grandmother had expired.

But why?
Because nothing is Absolute.

You could probably wake up and feel like the healthiest person this morning, and live it to the fullest. Who knows, next morning you might be diagnosed with cancer! Cynical though this may seem, pessimism though it might appear, could one find fault with this theory? I don’t think so.

Tomorrow is, truly, another day.

My other grandma, lies there, in quite a critical situation in a hospital. Doctors have given up hope. I was looking for somewhere, where she could take a ‘U’ turn and come back to normalcy. But that road seemed almost endless. And straight. I knew that this was merely an illusion. The road looked endless till the end came. And it would just. . . go. Like that. So we, as a tightly knit, supportive family, together walked. Walked on and on, waiting, watching, carefully, whether the end was there already. But it is not over, until it is over. . . In vain, for Her good, we hoped that it was the end. Days on end, we did that. But just when we thought the road would end, it seemed to begin all over again.

At times I felt, well, I hoped the ‘U’ turn had come. And then I realized that I was being a kid. But is it really wrong?

At heart, everyone hopes for the Tooth Fairy, the Santa Claus, et al to exist. I’m 16, I do have the right to hope for a ‘U’ turn. But the fact remains that whichever of these you believe in, you’re in for a sad shock. They don’t exist.

Cause tomorrow is another day. And it is uncertain. My next minute is uncertain.

There’ll be people who’ll break your heart, there’ll be people who mend it. And all of it happens today. Today doesn’t have a sequence. And tomorrow’s existence doesn’t have a guarantee. All you have is now, this second. Live it while you can, when it is there.

Do your best, do it today! I don’t say fulfill all the guilty pleasures. Cause hey, that isn’t what life is about, that isn’t what fun is about either. Fulfill what you think you owe to the world. Finish that unfinished song, take the last rhythm towards perfection. Sing loud with your head held high.
Because all you have is now, live it while you can.

You know, ‘Live for today’ seems quite a cheery thought to think. I feel it is a Cynic’s view. And very True.
There are so many possibilities of the events that might occur today. No one can call their lives monotonous. Cause no one’s life is. Everyone thinks they know what’s going to happen the next second. But who is absolutely certain of it?

It all depends on just one thing: Belief. Faith.

I believe my tomorrow is a fantasy. All I have is now.

Assumed Realist.