Monday, June 20, 2011

Once in your Lifetime, I promise. . .

You’ll meet a person who’ll annoy you so much, you’ll want to tear your hair out from its roots, and the person will tag on to you like a tail. You’ll also meet a person whom you’ll admire so much, they might just give a new meaning to respect and meaningful existence, and you might just know them for a fleeting instance.

You’ll do something you know is forbidden, and particularly enjoy it. You’ll also do something almost religiously prescribed and curse yourself for doing it.

You’ll find that in the most attractive fruit lies the bitterest juice. You’ll also find that the most rotten looking fruit will soothe every inch, every fiber of your being with its pure, juicy essence.

You’ll fall in love with hatred, give birth to hatred for love, become a cynic and curse life as a whole and death would seem a better option. You’ll also appreciate the pristine, indomitable beauty of living, the inevitable darkness and finality of death and the sheer joy of breathing fresh air.

You’ll never tread the untrodden path that your feet longed to feel. You’ll also carve yourself a future out of something you’ve sworn to avoid and find yourself enjoying it.

You’ll run for a mile in someone’s shoes you prayed you’d never have to wear, and would have traded with your own shoes any day. You’ll also run for a mile in your own shoes and wish you had someone else’s shoes beneath your delicate sole.

You’ll find that you’ve lost something that means your existence to you. You’ll also find that whatsoever meant your existence only left to give you another more meaningful, more pure, more enthralling reason to live.

You’ll find yourself compelled to love the person you can never bring yourself to like. You’ll also find yourself compelled to hate a person you can never bring yourself to not-love.

You’ll find yourself sheathing the darkest realms of you from the ones you love. You’ll also find yourself exposing it, without your own knowledge, to your most-feared enemy.

You’ll find yourself forced to do good for no reason. You’ll also find yourself harmed for doing good.

You’ll find that nothing goes according to plan, life’s messed up, you’re on the verge of breaking down and jumping from a crevice is the most rational, suitable thing to do.

Then always remember, every step on hot coal, every little tear, every small smile, every large chunk of happiness is the part of a larger plan made by the Heavens Above. Nothing will ever go as planned, cause you’re never the Planner at all.
What you want is not what you need. What you need is not what you want.

Three words sum it all up: Life Goes On.

Friday, June 17, 2011

What not to do in a School Laboratory. ;)

1.       Do not laugh at someone who is being yelled at by the Teacher. It gets you nowhere in their good books. K They will NOT, I repeat they will NOT appreciate  a goofy grin at their humiliation max. moment.
2.       Do not curse the teacher. . . Not in front of them at least. They’re experienced, seen around 25 batches like yours and know what you do when you lip sync. No, they don’t think you’re chattering, shivering, and definitely NOT singing.
3.       Do not look at colour changes during the experiment and smile like an idiot, or give an expression as if you’ve been hit on your head with a club. Rei fool, the teacher sees experiments like that everyday. And if you smile, you just come across as a fool. Which is exactly what you are anyway, cause you’re reading this. :P
4.       Do not behave as if you’re eager for an explosion to happen. Darling, explosions are only exciting as long as they don’t turn your face into charcoal.
5.       Do not handle strong acids and bases like they’re your  G.I.Joe playthings. Arrey girl, they’re not Barbie doll playthings also. Handle them like a glass container should be handled. Frankly, handle with care isn’t a pansy, gay thing to do. Its sensible.
6.       Do not look at a 6 volt electric circuit and ask if you’ll get a shock and die. Beta, class 7 if you’d have studied, you’d know six volts is not enough to kill a microbe in your dirty fingernail also.
7.       Do not ask in which direction current flows when you’re in 12th grade. Remember not to show off that you’ve always been promoted from each grade to the next and not passed on pure merit.
8.       Don’t run around the teacher as if you don’t know what you’re doing. Most of all, do NOT look at the apparatus as if you don’t know what its related to. Its ridiculous.
9.       Oh yeah, DO handle the apparatus carefully? And don’t laugh at others who don’t. ;)
10.   Follow 1 through 9. :D
P.S.: The above points are based on pure experience. Any resemblance to any lab, active or dormant is purely real and intentional, definitely not co-incidental. J