Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So here I am at Bangalore... this amazingly huge city. WOW..!! A 20 minute drive here is “short distance” But then again, I come from a smaller city, so a 20 minute drive is obviously “far” for Me. I am enjoying My 10th class vacation here, post My board exam. Although if My mom were reading this, she’d have said My class 10 was a vacation in itself, and this was just to ‘pacify my sentiments and feelings’ :P

In any case, I was here. On a holiday. And doing typical holiday stuff here, sleeping for very very long, reading books, staying online.. Maybe that’s what triggered that woman?

So on My last day at Bangalore, in this trip ( :P ) I sat chatting with one of My best friends. Absorbed ... Some woman here came and started yelling, asking for My niece... Now Me, the deaf girl, did not hear her. So when I finally did hear, I said I’m so sorry, She is not here at the moment. So this woman walked away. Two minutes later, she came yelling at Me. “Your behaviour is not okay... I saw You yesterday also. You are behaving like You are the boss of this house” blah blah blah!!! What the HELL?! WOMAN! I don’t even KNOW You..!! And You bloody talk about My BEHAVIOUR?! This is not DONE..!! What on Earth are YOU to judge My behaviour?! (I purposely say WHAT and not WHO) Other than the woman with a moustache, You are NOTHING to Me, so I will call You Mrs. M (M in caps, standing for Moustache) Oh yeah, I’m mad at You. Darned well mad at You.

But then, My cousin points out right. He calls Me a baby. And so I was. Like a baby, I suddenly found that salty stuff all over My face... Those stupid tears. Hiding them, well that’s a big time trouble. Can’t hide ‘em. So there I sat... Trying to hide My tears... And that was when I realised, there was someone whom I could talk to. Without feeling like an absolute idiot. My BFFE: DEE..!! BFFE= Best Friend For Eternity. (Oh yeah, I am a BABY)

So I called Dee. I talked to Her, for about ten minutes. She was trying so hard to make Me stop crying... And after talking to Her, once again, I realised. Someone out there Loved Me. So I wiped away My tears.

Moving on to another apparently unrelated event... Now Mrs. M had come looking for My niece. My niece had wandered away somewhere. Her granny had gone to look for Her. So I was alone. Thus Mrs. M dared to MISBEHAVE. When My niece had come back, a little time after that, her mum was back. From office... Now the kid was in for a little dash of scolding as to how she could disappear like that..!! Hmmm... So yes. She was in for a scolding. Scolding= a little higher volume. Her grandma was not happy. She didn’t like the fact that someone was raising their voice against Her granddaughter. Now that, I would say, is understandable. But My neice said, “Its ok Paatti (Grandma). Mummy is right. If She’s harsh only I will listen to Her” My Goodness... The logic in that sweet 4 year old amazes Me..!! But at that moment, that’s not what amazed Me. I could See... My niece was FORGIVING. That’s when I understood why people say a Child is a form of God. This child had partaken in Sweet Lord’s basic quality of forgiving everyone, no matter what. Although it seems silly to call it Forgiveness, I call it that. She had forgiven Someone who was angry with Her. They had a reason, sure. But for a 4 year old to grasp that, I feel, is tough.

That was when I saw it... Something I’d lost in these 15 years. Something I’d lost when I saw the world with a Cynic’s eyes... Forgiveness. What I’d lost years ago, I saw in My neice... Forgiveness. Something I should have given Mrs. M (although according to Me she doesn’t deserve it)... I’d lost that part of Me, forever maybe. But I saw it in My niece...

Forgiving Mrs. M made Me feel greater... Greater than Her as a person...

Forgiveness... The things it can do to You, whether You receive it or give it. While receiving Forgiveness, You are Humble. While giving Forgiveness, You are greater as a Person... The Quality of Mercy..!!

Forgiving Mrs. M...

1 comment:

  1. that's quite a lesson You have learnt sweetheart..
    it's tough at times to forgive..especially when u kjnow ur right..when u feel U've been wronged..
    but like u said..u become bigger than the person who thinks she/he is by age and think can do whatever he/she pleases..
    a step beyond is to probably try and understand why a person is behaving so..
    everyone has a reason..
    it's often when u reach out ..that u understand.that the person isnt what he/she seems..maybe that was a call for help..tryin to draw attention...feel important abt self..something..that is a hidden comfort a can be anything..
    Go beyond what u see..
    People are not always what they seem :)
