Saturday, August 14, 2010

Two Sides of a Coin

Two sides of a coin... Wow wow wow wow. Slowing down a bit. Where did all of this start?

Dinner table. Chatting time. Gossip time. DEBATE time. And My lovely brother, always ready is subtly, cleverly, wittily, smartly put his point across. And this time He said, “I want to be able to see both the sides of the coin...”

Me... Trance like state, thinking about Sreeramchandra Mynampatti’s absolutely mind blowing, dazzling and absolutely AWESOME performances on Indian Idol 5. And suddenly, dad’s voice and tone brought Me back to reality: “Did you HEAR that dialogue from your brother? Absolutely shocked (his dialogues and witty one liners are seriously must hears) I turned, almost cricked My neck and in an enthusiastic and enthralled voice asked, “WHAT did he say??? What what WHAT?!!” And then I got to hear that one liner... :D

Ok, so moving on... from My brother’s awesomeness (whose brother is he ;) )

Q. Why am I talking about Two Sides of a Coin?

A: Cause a coin has two sides (obviously)...

Very often, the most appreciated, the most rewarded and respected debaters are those who say, “Let’s look at both sides of the Coin...” Yeah. It is possible to look at both sides of a coin. But one cannot do it simultaneously. One has to shed his previous mindset, and FLIP the coin to view the other side. One has to shed every inclination, every bit of desire He has to view the other side. Only then can he SEE the coin, and appreciate it.

Why? Its very simply this. Trying to view both the sides of the coin at the same time will get you nowhere. It will give you a shallow view of the whole issue. As in a coin, you see that thin strip of diplomacy that will take you no where. Diplomacy is great, but all your views being based on it is not. An actual Diplomat is one who is able to see one side of the coin, FLIP it, forget all about the previous side, or rather, the opinions he formed on it, TURN it, and see the other side. Diplomacy lies in being able to respect another opinion, respect the other area, not the ability to NOT form opinions. Because that, for Me, is indecisiveness. Its not strength, but inability to figure out, according to Me. Forming opinions is fine, natural, acceptable, respectable even. But not FLAUNTING one’s opinions is wise. Is smartness, is intelligence. Its tough, but it will happen. Eventually...

The first step to it is being able to shed the Ego, adorn yourself with Humility, be proud to be able to bow down and respect another opinion.

Two sides of a coin... Impossible to be viewed simultaneously. Two sides of a coin... form the coin. Positives and negatives to everything. Upto you to support, upto you to respect.

I know there are many out there, who know Me very well, know that I’m very opinionated. And its kind of ironical that I am typing this. But believe Me you, although I am opinionated, there’s one thing I’ve noticed.

The ones most respected... Are the ones who can respect.

Its known, tried, tested, proved. Time to accept. :D

Two Sides Of A Coin...