Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Invisible Belief.

Its been a long week... with abnormally long days. What with CBSE MBPC, T.I.M.E coaching classes right in the morning and Model United Nations work... Sleep is a far away Dream. A Dream is An Enthralling Reality, if it ever so occurs.
So today, in this fine weather, I finally decided I’d come back Home after attending My coaching. Just pulled My friend along and did not even bother to see if anyone was going to stop us or not.
And then I faced My Enthralling Reality: Sleep. :D What I’d missed so much over the past few days, SLEEP. I slept... and slept... and HOW!! J I woke up in the afternoon... And took a deep breath. My brain’s craving for sleep had been satiated.
Now now now... One thing I forgot to say is that I can NEVER sleep without a bottle of water right next to Me. It has to be at one arm’s distance from Me. Or I can’t sleep. If it is not there, I feel very very thirsty, and I wake up. Then I cannot sleep properly after that. On the other hand, if it IS right beside Me, I can sleep peacefully. So much so, I don’t feel thirsty at all. J So here I was. Sleeping Peacefully. And I was so very sure that I had kept My bottle of water beside Me. I fell asleep, instantly. Added to that, I felt like I’d slogged My a** off for a month or something. K When I woke up, I washed My face. I felt very fresh. It was then that I looked beside Me. There was no bottle of water. I was like, “WHAT THE HELL!! I had kept it. I remember... I DO..!!” But I had not. What made Me sleep was Me believing that Water was very close to Me.
Man does not need to SEE to believe. In fact, what Man has not Seen, He believes more in it than something he already has Seen. Belief is in the Heart. And Heart needs no Proof. I never asked Mom, Dad, My Brother or Dee... Do You Love Me? Nor have I asked for Proof. I just KNOW. I just KNOW I can Trust in them. I just KNOW that they Love Me. (Don’t relate the previous example to this and say that I think they don’t Love Me or something. I am only referring to the belief part of it.)
Its not something for which You demand Proof. Its always there. And it always so happens that everything that You Trust In. You believe so deeply and are so sure of it... It hovers around You, all the time. Invisible to You. But always there. It forms the foundation for Your Soul to grow and encompass other Souls.
Faith and Belief... Are born out of no where. They are just... there. But when they’re there, they’re Strong. And how..!! J My Best Friends are People whom I’ve known for much less time than many others. And I Trust in Them. Its not Time... Its that One Spark You are looking for. Faith is not exchange. Faith is birth.
Man believes in what He can’t See. And it is gonna remain that way.
Faith is Invisible. And Omnipresent.
Man believes in what He can’t See. And its gonna remain that way.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Trust Me... Trust is Trust, unexplainable.

I Trust You… Such a carelessly thrown around phrase. So often used… “Do You Trust Me…?” is such a common… yet feared question. Is it the underlying Truth that is scary? Is it something You don’t want to accept to Yourself? I wonder…

Its not something that just… happens. Its not earned by the way you talk. Its not earned by charms. Its not earned… just like that.

Its built. Not brick by brick. Its built atom by atom. It doesn’t need years… It needs a few seconds. In those seconds… its built. With the strongest of foundations. With the hardest of hard work. With the purest drop of Love. Trust is carved... Trust is deeply carved. Unaffected by any force.

Trust is built in the second Your parents look at You when You are born. Trust is built in the second You lay Your head on Your Best Friend’s shoulder… or lend Your shoulder for a few tears. Trust is built when Your sibling hugs You. It needs a few seconds… But it is built. Atom by atom, particle by particle, brick by brick, stone by stone…

Trust is not like paper… Once crumpled, never back to normal. Trust is not like wood… once burnt, always ashes. Trust is a building. Trust is a building made by Love as the foundation. Trust is made of Sincerity as its bricks… Trust is made of Honesty as the cement. Trust is a strong building. No little stone can break it. No little secrecy can kill it.

Honesty is not “never lying”. Honesty is being True to Yourself. Honesty is not to be blatantly frank, it is foolishness. Lies and secrecy.. at times.. are for the Greater Good. Its not give and take. It is keep and build. It is maintaining…

Trust is not broken by a small Lie. True Trust stays strong against every Lie that befalls it… For True Trust… is built. Because a Lie has a reason… A Flaw You See maybe For the Greater Good.

In tough Times… Love and Trust are all You have. If there’s Love, there is Trust. Don’t let go of it. There’s a reason, always a reason…

If You’ve hidden… Don’t explain. Trust will heal it.


Its not something that just… happens. Its not earned by the way you talk. Its not earned by charms. Its not earned… just like that.

Its built. Not brick by brick. Its built atom by atom. It doesn’t need years… It needs a few seconds. In those seconds… its built. With the strongest of foundations. With the hardest of hard work. With the purest drop of Love. Trust is deeply carved. Unaffected by any force. Unaffected by Time.

Men may come and Men may go...

Trust... is Trust.