Saturday, January 17, 2009

Media Mania

Insensitivity Index- Meddlers, Media or plain Heartless People???

My dad is a news and internet addict (no offence meant). I have no reason as to why I dislike following news channels, but I just do! As soon as my dad comes home, he switches on the T.V. and listens to the news. Unfortunately, I can’t close my ears. So, inevitably, I have to listen to the combination of syllables they call news…

From the past few days, I have noticed that the only news blaring on the T.V. screen is that of ‘THE SATYAM FRAUD’. As usual, I got frustrated and started thinking back on the past. When it comes to news, these 2 lines of a song are perfectly true, at least for me:
… I’m thinking back on the past
It’s true the time is flying but too fast …

I started reflecting on the stuff that news channels supplied as news… Recently it was the Mumbai 26/11 horror. It was the highlight till Satyam and Mr.Ramalinga Raju stole the show (no offence meant).

Then I remembered how actress Soundarya’s death created news and fear across the country and sent shivers down its spine. 2 days after much debating on her death, it was ‘old’ news.
More recent old news is Aarushi’s murder. For a few days I followed it closely, and then the news people didn’t lay out the trail for me. It was ‘old’. I wonder how insensitive is 'insensitive'. And how far people can go to earn money? Poor souls Aarushi’s parents. The news could have been their only hope for publicizing the fact that our country is insecure… And the news… There was one more incident that happened that I can’t forget related to Aarushi’s murder. On the newspaper, it was on the first page, headline, one day after her death. After around 5 days, another news piece about her murder case was in the left side bottom corner… I saw it only because I could recognize her photo…

I wonder how the news channels and papers can shift between news like this, especially news channels. Is it to increase their TRPs? I know what TRPs are by the way, Television Rating Points.

Isn’t this true now: ‘We have all the time on earth to get in touch with the world through internet, e-mail and news. But no time to spare for crossing the street and greeting a new neighbour or comfort a small child.’


  1. Nice write-up. The news channel are for-profit businesses and their main aim is to get attention from you. They cant afford to care, or they cant feed their own families! Unfortunately this how things work and it surely is sad! Infact, the traditional news media is loosing credibility and are all struggling, the big newspapers in the world are financially strapped like New York Times, Chicago Tribunal etc. They are great newspapers, but people are relying on alternative avenues and freelance news channels on the net. Yes it is a dynamic world and everyone is paying a price for thier actions!


  2. Hi...wonderful blog work,...keep it up...I do agree how insensitive the human race has become in the name of fame and ratings and is beautiful that some one so young has pondered such thoughts...

  3. the comment came from Jannavi...I did not realize R was logged on...soorry...
