Friday, June 17, 2011

What not to do in a School Laboratory. ;)

1.       Do not laugh at someone who is being yelled at by the Teacher. It gets you nowhere in their good books. K They will NOT, I repeat they will NOT appreciate  a goofy grin at their humiliation max. moment.
2.       Do not curse the teacher. . . Not in front of them at least. They’re experienced, seen around 25 batches like yours and know what you do when you lip sync. No, they don’t think you’re chattering, shivering, and definitely NOT singing.
3.       Do not look at colour changes during the experiment and smile like an idiot, or give an expression as if you’ve been hit on your head with a club. Rei fool, the teacher sees experiments like that everyday. And if you smile, you just come across as a fool. Which is exactly what you are anyway, cause you’re reading this. :P
4.       Do not behave as if you’re eager for an explosion to happen. Darling, explosions are only exciting as long as they don’t turn your face into charcoal.
5.       Do not handle strong acids and bases like they’re your  G.I.Joe playthings. Arrey girl, they’re not Barbie doll playthings also. Handle them like a glass container should be handled. Frankly, handle with care isn’t a pansy, gay thing to do. Its sensible.
6.       Do not look at a 6 volt electric circuit and ask if you’ll get a shock and die. Beta, class 7 if you’d have studied, you’d know six volts is not enough to kill a microbe in your dirty fingernail also.
7.       Do not ask in which direction current flows when you’re in 12th grade. Remember not to show off that you’ve always been promoted from each grade to the next and not passed on pure merit.
8.       Don’t run around the teacher as if you don’t know what you’re doing. Most of all, do NOT look at the apparatus as if you don’t know what its related to. Its ridiculous.
9.       Oh yeah, DO handle the apparatus carefully? And don’t laugh at others who don’t. ;)
10.   Follow 1 through 9. :D
P.S.: The above points are based on pure experience. Any resemblance to any lab, active or dormant is purely real and intentional, definitely not co-incidental. J

1 comment:

  1. heheh..reminds of times back in school when I used to switch on the powerchord in physics lab as someone was still connecting different wires and completing the circuit.

    Have mixed and mangled compounds till my friend's experiements made the lab look like an early diwali night sky

    so when I gave the goofy grin, all my mates used to wonder as to who my next bakra was and all work in a frenzy, hoping it wasnt them..

    photographed people's dumb momnents in lab and made it public by puttin it on college notice board :D
    and lots more ;)
