Sunday, May 17, 2009

फिर भी दिल है हिन्दुस्तानी !

Summer holidays are going on. I have nothing to do but keep writing. And my ears have become extra sensitive. So the smallest comment/compliment will be noticed and will get a reply from me.

There are loads of things going on- elections, recession… So the comments have to come, obviously. And my temporarily extra-sensitive ears have to notice this. They took up 2 of these comments. A person said that he was glad to leave this ‘third-world’ country, a person born and brought up here, and now working abroad. And the second one is the funniest! Someone blamed India for the 26/11 Mumbai horror. I do agree that the defence part, we did make mistakes, big ones, (I’ll tell you about the mistakes in some other post) but we caused the attacks?? Naah…

Under normal circumstances I’d have said, “Dude, get a life!” But well, summer vacation ;) .


Third World Country, eh? Cause of terror attack huh?

Well, I think this poem is the best way to answer you. A poem written by my cousin Shyam (thanks a million!) I wholeheartedly agree with you.

So here is your answer you people:

When I imagine the world of tomorrow

And look at what is left of it today

Despite the despair and misery around

Hope sustains me

The scare of terror in each of us

With helpless neighbours to deal with

But since my country is pure in intention

Hope sustains me

Our roads are narrow for sure

And many are poor and starving

But with our spirits riding high

Hope sustains me

Nobody ever looked east

We always looked west

But when the world believes we have arrived today

Hope sustains me

Our leaders may be self centered

Social duties are wanting

But when some here live only for others

Hope sustains me

Some countries maybe progressing faster

Garnering acclaim, wealth and prosperity

But when I am free to do what I want to here

Hope sustains me

I do dream of a developed India

And I want every Indian to be rich

But even today I can be happy here

And Hope sustains me

I couldn’t resist putting up a song here…

1 comment:

  1. The poem is beautiful. The metering is lovely....and my hope does sustain me!
